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Therapy-Coaching-Sound Healing


  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Families

What is Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a form of talking therapy aimed at helping individuals process and identify life events or circumstances, thought patters, and behaviors that may have or are contributing to both negative and positive outcomes in their life. Psychotherapy is a form of healing in which clients utilize their therapist to assist them in gaining insight through the conceptualization of their experiences and the impact of those experiences. When engaging clients in therapy, I consider myself to be a constructivist, in that I believe we create our own versions of reality based on our previous life experiences, if we have areas of dysfunction or pain in our past, we may construct a reality in which we constantly view new experiences through a blurred lens of our dysfunction and pain from the past. My goal as a clinical psychologist is to help clean the lens. I work with individuals in understanding the current narrative they are playing out within their lives, and I work with them in constructing narratives that are more conducive to the lives they seek.


  • Individual
  • Group
  • Couples

What is Coaching?

At times people experience problematic patterns in their life that contribute to thoughts and behaviors that keep them from progression. When this is the case, life coaching serves to provide guidance, strategies, and accountability towards attaining greater personal fulfillment. Part of what I do as a life coach is help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in order to overcome any obstacles that prevent you from becoming your best version of self.

Sound Healing

  • Individual
  • Group

What is Sound Healing?

Sound healing uses different sound frequencies and vibrations to heal the body, mind, and spirit. As a certified sound healer, I create an atmosphere that promotes relaxation and deep rest. Through the use of specific sound instruments we work towards removing blockages within the body that may be contributing to stress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and more. Quantum physics teaches that everything is made of atoms which are made of subatomic particles that continuously vibrate on frequencies. Our thoughts and feelings operate and vibrate on frequencies as well. Sound healing works off of two primary principles: 1) Different emotions vibrate at different levels; and 2) Unexpressed emotional release leads to dysfunction physically, mentally and emotionally. It is believed that negative emotions tend to operate on lower vibrations, while more pleasant emotions operate on higher vibrations. Therefore, sound healing is all about raising your vibration.

Counseling for Trauma

The assistance of a therapist is fundamental to healing from trauma.

Couples Counseling

I help people develop the necessary skills needed to maintain sustaining love.

Divorce Recovery Therapy

It’s painful to go through a divorce, but you can find a path to healing.

Life Transitions

“The only thing constant is change.” ~ Heraclitus, Greek philosopher

Mindfulness Health & Wellness Coaching

I work one-on-one with individuals to help them improve their overall well-being.

Women’s Issues

Women’s issues can take a serious toll on a woman’s emotional, physical, and mental health.


This is where more info on your specialty services will go.


This is where more info on your specialty services will go.

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